Courses from £15 per week

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Game Developer
Game Designer
Game Art / Animation
Game QA Tester
Games Course

Work Hours & Environment

The games industry usually works in a very casual business environment with workers able to come to work in T-shirts, jeans, sandals etc. Most developers believe that a casual environment enables workers to feel relaxed which is seen as both pleasant and rewarding, improving quality of life and this in turn is thought to translate to increased performance.

Normal office hours are 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM  but many developers operate flexi-time. Often small benefits such as snacks, tea & coffee, fresh fruit are provided free of charge. Games development falls in both the software and entertainment industries and therefore long hours can be expected from time to time especially as crunch time draws near, when set objectives and milestones need to be completed by specific pre-determined dates.


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The contact information you have provided is solely used to assist us in providing you with more information about the training courses you have selected – WE DO NOT SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH ANY OTHER PARTY.

- Minimum age requirement is 17 years.
- Courses start from as little as £15/week.

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